20,266 research outputs found

    Polarons in Anisotropic Energy Bands

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    Calculation of polaron properties in anisotropic energy bands, and results for electron on spheroidal energy surface interacting with optical phonon

    Why Do Leaders Matter? The Role of Expert Knowledge

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    Why do some leaders succeed while others fail? This question is important, but its complexity makes it hard to study systematically. We draw on a setting where there are well-defined objectives, small teams of workers, and exact measures of leadersā€™ characteristics and organizational performance. We show that a strong predictor of a leaderā€™s success in year T is that personā€™s own level of attainment, in the underlying activity, in approximately year T-20. Our data come from 15,000 professional basketball games and reveal that former star players make the best coaches. This ā€˜expert knowledgeā€™ effect is large

    Free Rider: A Justification for Mandatory Medical Insurance Under Health Care Reform?

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    Section 1501 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act added section 5000A to the Internal Revenue Code to require most individuals in the United States, beginning in the year 2014, to purchase an established minimum level of medical insurance. This requirement, which is enforced by a penalty imposed on those who fail to comply, is sometimes referred to as the ā€œindividual mandate.ā€ The individual mandate is one element of a vast change to the provision of medical care that Congress implemented in 2010. The individual mandate has proved to be controversial and has been the subject of a number of lawsuits contending that it is unconstitutional. It is not our purpose in this article to discuss its constitutionality. Rather, this piece focuses on the viability of one of the justifications that often is put forth for the adoption of the individual mandate: the ā€œfree-riderā€ problem

    Recovery for Causing Tax Overpayment - Lyeth v. Hoey and Clark Revisited

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    The question has arisen in numerous cases as to the extent to which a settlement between armsā€™ length parties is dispositive in tax cases of the claims on which the settlement is based. Another issue that often arises is whether the receipt of compensation for a tax payment that was incurred because of the negligence of the payor is excluded from gross income. While those two issues were central to the proper resolution of a recent case in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, McKenny v. United States, the court failed even to note one of those issues and did not resolve the other. The courtā€™s failure to deal with those two issues led it to reach an incorrect result. The two landmark cases establishing the doctrines that should have been applied in McKenny are the Supreme Courtā€™s decision in Lyeth v, Hoey and the decision of the Board of Tax Appeals (now known as the Tax Court) in Clark v. Commissioner. Using McKenny as a springboard, this article reviews the continued misapplication and sometimes disparagement of the Lyeth v. Hoey and Clark v. Commissioner reasonings. Clark, in particular, has been criticized by both academics and the Service. The article reviews those criticisms and argues that they are unpersuasive. The article concludes that both doctrines are valid and should have applied to find for the taxpayer in the McKenny case

    Free Rider: A Justification for Mandatory Medical Insurance Under Health Care Reform?

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    Section 1501 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act added section 5000A to the Internal Revenue Code to require most individuals in the United States, beginning in the year 2014, to purchase an established minimum level of medical insurance. This requirement, which is enforced by a penalty imposed on those who fail to comply, is sometimes referred to as the ā€œindividual mandate.ā€ The individual mandate is one element of a vast change to the provision of medical care that Congress implemented in 2010. The individual mandate has proved to be controversial and has been the subject of a number of lawsuits contending that it is unconstitutional. It is not our purpose in this article to discuss its constitutionality. Rather, this piece focuses on the viability of one of the justifications that often is put forth for the adoption of the individual mandate: the ā€œfree-riderā€ problem
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